Most of us are born with healthy, clear lenses in our eyes. It is the lens, located directly behind the pupil, that allows us to focus and see properly. Over time, or sometimes because of trauma or disease such as diabetes, the lens becomes cloudy and dense. This is called a cataract. Some people notice a change in their vision suddenly, others more gradually. There is no “cure” for a cataract other than surgery to extract it and replace it with an intraocular lens implant. Decades ago, people had to actually be hospitalized and immobilized for days, sometimes weeks – those days are thankfully gone! Today, new techniques allow skilled surgeons like Drs. Bannett to extract a cataract with a tiny incision in often less than 15 minutes and almost no downtime to your daily lifestyle.
There have also been great advances in the intraocular lens implant technology. The standard monofocal lens is an outstanding implant and it is the one covered by most insurances. It will restore either your distance vision or your near vision, but not both. You will probably need to wear glasses. If you have an astigmatism (curvature of the cornea which can distort your vision), the monofocal lens implant will also not correct that, and you will probably need to wear glasses.
If you have an astigmatism and want to reduce your dependence on glasses for distance, there is a new advanced astigmatic-correcting intraocular lens implant called a Toric lens implant. Intermediate and reading glasses may be necessary with this lens. This lens is not covered by insurance.
If you wish to reduce your dependence on glasses altogether, there is a new advanced lens implant called the multifocal lens implant. There are many kinds of multifocal implants on the market. These lenses can address distance, intermediate and near vision. People with significant astigmatism can also elect to have a limbal relaxing incision (LRI) done at the time of their surgery which may correct the astigmatism. This lens and the LRI are not covered by insurance.
Our Cataract diagnostic and treatment center includes the latest in advanced technology biometry, including the Lenstar for intraocular lens measurements, Corneal Wave-front Analyzer to map the corneal surface, and various other ultrasound and palm scan technologies for especially dense cataracts. These superior technological devices enhance precision in implant surgery.”
At your initial examination, Dr. Bannett will evaluate your anatomy and medical conditions and talk to you about your lifestyle. Together you can decide which implant is right for you.